
a professional  listserv group for legal nurse consultants, attorneys, experts,

forensic & medical-legal consultants

Since its inception in February 2006, LNCExchange has evolved into a valuable networking, educational and business resource.  Group and private exchanges cover a wide range of topics, including those pertinent to medical-legal issues, case analysis and small business topics, among others.

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LNCExchange is a source of work opportunities for Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs), expert witnesses, forensic & medical-legal consultants and those desiring work at law firms (either in-house or consulting), governmental agencies, insurance carriers, etc. 

It has also become an invaluable resource for nurses pursuing a new career as an LNC.  The listserv offers extensive opportunities for learning from experienced LNCs who are consultants, or experts, in medical-legal matters.  Accumulated since 2006, there are over 82,965 searchable messages that offer answers to questions on over 43,279 topics.  

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